The TRIMMUS (Transplant Immunology Decision Support System) project fulfils the objectives of the TAČR KAPPA program by expanding the cooperation between the Czech company Steiner, s.r.o. and the Department of Immunology of the University Hospital in Oslo, Norway.
The aim of the project is to develop a software solution completely covering the workflows of the Transplantation Immunological Laboratory of the University Hospital in Oslo so that it is possible to abandon paper methods of communication during routine manual procedures, increase patient safety while providing the best possible care, meet accreditation requirements, improve the flow of information and increase data security, and last but not least, speed up workflows and improve decision-making.
- Project number: TO01000057
- Project holder: Steiner, s.r.o
- Project partner: Oslo University Hospital
- Contact person: Mgr. Ing. David Steiner, MBA, Ph.D.

Project with support

Content of the project
Transplant immunology is a medical science ensuring optimal donor-recipient matching before allogeneic transplantation of cells, tissues and solid organs. Allogeneic transplantation is a complex process involving transplant immunology, donor availability, appropriate criteria, coordination, and specialized medical staff. Oslo University Hospital requires a laboratory information system for transplant immunology, integrated with decision support systems, workflow mapping and post-transplant control registries.
Our team combines the IT skills and HLA experience of Steiner, s.r.o. staff with the laboratory and clinical knowledge of the medical staff of the University Hospital in Oslo. Since all transplant immunology, organ transplantation and HLA matching for stem cell transplantation in Norway take place in one center, we have a unique opportunity to develop and test the benefits of the new Transplant Immunology Decision Support System (TRIMMUS). This includes all the steps from registering samples in the Transplant Immunology Laboratory through decision support tools to connecting available donors with recipients to evaluating long-term results after allogeneic transplantation. TRIMMUS replaces manual data transfer, reducing the risk of human error. TRIMMUS will also present all relevant data and run algorithms to facilitate fast and appropriate advice and decision-making, thereby providing the best possible care.
Steiner supplies the software technology, and the University Hospital of Oslo provides medical expertise to develop algorithms and evaluate the performance of each algorithm and the entire solution. The outputs of the post-transplant conclusions will be used to improve pre-transplant search algorithms.
The Transplant Immunology Decision Support System (TRIMMUS) received €1.2 million in support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the KAPPA programme.
Expected completion:
Dokončení projektu TRIMMUS
S potěšením oznamujeme úspěšné dokončení projektu Transplant Immunology Decision Support System (TRIMMUS), softwarového řešení určeného ke zlepšení pracovních pos
Světová asociace dárců dřeně
Projekt TRIMMUS (Transplant Immunology Decision Support System) byl prezentován v rámci posterové sekce na nedávném setkání Světové asociace dárců dřeně (WMDA). Na té
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S potěšením oznamujeme úspěšné dokončení projektu Transplant Immunology Decision Support System (TRIMMUS), softwarového řešení určeného ke zlepšení pracovních postupů a rozhodovacích procesů na odděleních transplantační imunologie. Tento projekt, vedl ke zlepšení pracovních postupů při transplantaci orgánů a tkání.
Systém TRIMMUS je komplexní platforma navržená tak, aby nahradila manuální, papírové postupy plně digitálním a efektivním pracovním postupem. Zahrnuje pokročilé bioinformatické algoritmy, jako jsou PRA, CRF a EPF, pro optimalizaci identifikace vhodných dárců, zvýšení bezpečnosti pacientů a zlepšení klinických výsledků.
18. – 21. 6. 2023
Projekt TRIMMUS (Transplant Immunology Decision Support System) byl prezentován v rámci posterové sekce na nedávném setkání Světové asociace dárců dřeně (WMDA). Na této prestižní akci se sešly světové špičky v oblasti transplantační imunologie a správy registru dárců a poskytla vynikající platformu pro prezentaci inovací projektu TRIMMUS.
Poster zdůraznil klíčové vlastnosti systému TRIMMUS, včetně jeho automatizovaných algoritmů pro vyhledávání dárců, pokročilých nástrojů pro typizaci HLA a jeho schopnosti optimalizovat rozhodovací proces před a po transplantaci. Konference nám poskytla příležitost diskutovat s kolegy z transplantační komunity o budoucí spolupráci a možnostech integrace systému TRIMMUS do jejich laboratoří.
To date, we have improved the conditions for testing the functionality of the future application. On Steiner's side, a new virtual server has been set up with significantly higher performance than the existing one, so we can perform a larger number of automated tests every day. At Oslo University Hospital, current data from the production server has been copied into the development environment, and on them the functionality of the application and the new algorithms will be verified by bioengineers and doctors involved in the project. At the same time, on this occasion we will verify the correctness of the data migration to the current database schema
After ten months of intensive work since the start of the project, the implementation phase of the first tasks of the new TRIMMUS (Transplant Immunology Decision Support System) product has been completed. In the field of bioinformatics research and development, an algorithm for searching for platelet donors and algorithms for determining PRA, CRF and EPF have been completed. In the field of software research and development, several hundred changes were made to the user interface, and more than 2000 automated tests were created to machine verify the correct functionality of the entire application.